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Child Therapy

​Child Therapy, also known as Child Counselling, is a specialised field of therapy that focuses on addressing the mental, emotional, and behavioural challenges faced by children. It involves a therapeutic relationship between a child and a therapist, where the therapist guides the child in expressing their feelings, thoughts, and behaviours, and helps them develop strategies to address the issues they experience.

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One such professional offering Child Therapy services is Mervyn Reid, a seasoned child therapist based in Belfast. With over 20 years of experience, Mervyn has worked with children of various ages, helping them to navigate their challenges and improve their overall well-being.


Child Therapy can be instrumental in helping children achieve their goals and objectives. It employs age-appropriate strategies and interventions to make the process more impactful and child-friendly. These strategies guide and organise a child’s efforts, enabling them to reach their objectives efficiently. For instance, if a child’s goal is to manage anger, a measurable goal could be set, such as reducing the frequency of tantrums and angry outbursts by a certain percentage within a specified timeframe.


Child Therapy is not just about solving immediate problems; it also equips children and their support systems with longer-term problem-solving and coping skills. It encourages active engagement, where the child plays a significant role in their healing process. This active engagement extends beyond the therapy sessions and may involve tasks like reflection, implementing better practices for living, and psychoeducation.


In conclusion, Child Therapy is a powerful tool that can support children in overcoming challenges, achieving their goals, and enhancing their overall well-being. Whether a child is dealing with mental health issues, behavioural problems, or personal growth, a professional child therapist like Mervyn can guide them on their journey towards healing and self-improvement.

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